Описание игры: Порой, судьба готовит нам самые неожиданные и непредсказуемые сюрпризы, и подарки эти не всегда приятные. В этой игре вы сможете раскинуть карты Таро, которые прольют свет на ваше будущее. Конечно, не стоит воспринимать всерьез каждое предсказание, поскольку карты носят лишь символическое значение. Проверь, насколько правдивым окажется гадание! На этой страничке находится флеш игра « My daily tarot » онлайн, в которую вы можете играть онлайн совершенно бесплатно без регистрации.
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What an awesome way to explain this-now I know evnerthiyg!
[2016-05-25, 2:37]
Toudwcohn! That's a really cool way of putting it!
[2015-10-15, 14:47]
Thank you so much for sharing your exipreence and advice! I'm thinking about including in my explanation of my style that, basically, I expect you to talk to me about some of what's going on. I don't want to do readings for people who are there to test me I don't think that's how Tarot works, so why should I try to do something the wrong way around? I've promised myself that I won't fish like that, either. I'll present maybes and alternatives and possibilities, or I'll flat-out ask if something (or someone) like that is in the querent's environment. If they don't want to tell me, that's fine, or if they want to wait until closer to the end of the reading, that's fine too, but then I'll be presenting possibilities and projections, not working with them on their issues. I feel exactly the same way about it clarifying the present. That's closely related to why I don't think it's a psychic process (for most meanings of the word), I think it's a reflective, counsel