Описание игры: Вашего бойца ждет жесткое испытание - один против всех. Стоит ему выйти из укрытия, как из всех щелей, как тараканы, полезут враги. Если хотите уцелеть, не переставайте стрелять, противник должен поплатиться за свои коварные действия. На этой страничке находится флеш игра « Died Hard » онлайн, в которую вы можете играть онлайн совершенно бесплатно без регистрации.
Другие игры: Стрелялки для мальчиков; Зомби; Шутеры; Категории: Стрелялки;
the great 11th century Byzantine Church of San Marco in the city cettTr...Counnerlightehe most beautiful, and oppulent, Church I´ve ever been inside...my idea of lush to the max.Thanks for the Venice visit.
[2015-10-15, 14:53]
PS...I have a good friend who is a top 20 in the noiatn 3 gun shooter. He has a full time job, but he is constantly being asked by co-workers if this is a good buy, or that gun is worth the money. He has always dispensed advice for free and cheerfully. But now...He asks, "Have you joined the NRA?" When they say yes, he continues on as before. If they say "No" he tells them to go join the NRA and consider the $20 they pay as cheap payment for the advice he will give them. He now refuses to give that advice until they join. He explains that our gun rights are at issue, and that America will no longer be the land of the free if we lose those rights. The NRA is the only organization with enough oompth to make legislators listen, and then he recommends they join the SAF to help in the courts. We should all be out there pushing the NRA to everyone we know with an interest in firearms. We may not always like how they accomplish things, and we may no always like their actions, but we need