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If you wrote an article about life we'd all reach entnehlgiment.
[2015-10-15, 15:59]
Oooooooo I really enyoejd reading this. It was inspiring! Thank you Jes! I didn't get a chance to read it 'til now (nearly midnight on Friday!). While practicing tonight, I was thinking how much I have enyoejd all the wonderful sharing here on the blog during the challenge. Earlier, as I sat on the porch with my husband, I was telling him about all the various Virtual Yogarians and how much I've been inspired by simply reading their experiences, thoughts, places where they're practicing, poses, struggles, triumphs, etc. and I was thinking, oh oh oh, I hope we can still have a space here on Kath's blog to share even after the April Yoga Challenge is over. Ya know, our very own Yogabook (akin to Facebook). And, now, savoring Jes' words, I think, more than ever, that I want that little space for inspirational yoga sharing. I so enyoejd the interview! Great idea Kath!