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Описание игры: Управление мышкой. Регулируешь скорость (удержанием мышки), прицелившись спускаешь торпеду в воду. Главное - не потопить корабль, а всех остальных можно мочить. Удачи. На этой страничке находится флеш игра « Torpedo Joe » онлайн, в которую вы можете играть онлайн совершенно бесплатно без регистрации.
Другие игры: Стальной алхимик; Категории: Аркады;
in her message imtadieme after the shootings, "to the unnoticed number of children and young people who die senselessly across this land every day" and challenge us "to work toward a different future." What might the creation of a different future look like? Here are two suggestions:First, we must realize that the brokenness that created the violence at Sandy Hook Elementary School is much more deeply inscribed in our culture than we often realize. There is no simple solution; no single law that, if passed, will ensure that such a tragedy never happens again . Our culture simultaneously glorifies, and trivializes, violence while stigmatizing mental illness and discouraging diagnosis and treatment. Our culture too-often allows millions of children to grow up in situations of risk and allows firearms to be available widely Changing the cycle of violence will involve substantial creativity and commitment in our communities, the deployment of all the assets of our congregations, an
[2015-10-16, 17:29]
Cont'd from above:"If you answered yes to these qesntious, please do two things: 1. Commemorate victims of violence in our communities on Holy Innocents Day, or the Sunday following, and ask members of the congregation to be part of the solution. Or pick another day soon when your congregation is gathered. If the Connecticut massacre has taught us anything, it's that any day might be Holy Innocents' Day. Conclude the Prayers of the People with the following, or a similar, collect: Lord Jesus Christ, you stretched out your arms of love on the hard wood of the cross to bring all of the world's sufferings within your tender embrace: Mercifully hear our prayers for all innocent victims of violence in our communities and throughout the world you so love. Comfort those who mourn the loss of life, and receive the innocent into the arms of your mercy. Accept our repentance for the ways in which we have encouraged and celebrated violence in our midst, and accomplish within us a true
[2015-10-15, 13:07]
worries dear!! Our boss is in control all the time. He deniiftely knows how to talk and react to interviews and chats. Bet he will charm the TV staff, audience and media with his cute, dorky smile and his natural ways. Fighting !