Описание игры: Увлекательная гоночная игра Race to Kill это множество тяжелых поворотов, которые вам нужно будет проходить на большой скорости. Так же вы будете вынуждены объезжать преграды и бочки с взрывчаткой. Если вы думаете, что это так легко, тогда попробуйте сами. Поиграв, вы не сможете оторваться от ее прохождения. На этой страничке находится флеш игра « Race to Kill » онлайн, в которую вы можете играть онлайн совершенно бесплатно без регистрации.
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Yeah, that's kind of the idea.There would be a lot of complications. You'd need some way to siplfimy the administration, so you don't have to submit claims to every company that ever insured you. Perhaps you'd just submit to your current company and they'd submit subordinate claims to past companies or something. The point would be to let the insurance companies fight over it without involving the patient.You'd need a robust reinsurance market, to allow companies to lay off risks they don't know how to manage. For example, some companies may specialize in long-term diseases like multiple sclerosis or cystic fibrosis. Conceivably, such companies might have an incentive to develop new drugs and treatments in order to reduce their long-term costs.You'd also need some insurer of last resort, probably the federal government, to handle what happens when an insurance company goes out of business. Probably this should be some sort of FDIC-style proceeding, where other companies bid how