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I did state that my analogy was meelry to illustrate that things happen in the world that go unreported, it was the only thing I could think of from the top of my head that was real world and documented.I know that some presenters read out the www part of the address, I didn't need someone to find that out for me, but I've heard it omitted often enough to get annoyed about it. Others agree with me. What does it matter that I have no hard evidence from the servers or the feedback logs? I *hear* enough evidence every time a presenter omits www and I find that the address *as read* doesn't bloody work. Imagine a presenter on Swap Shop decided that there was no point adding 01 to the 01 811 8055 phone number because the viewers could figure it out for themselves?Incidentally, 2 hits a minute equates to 2,880 a day that's just over a million a year. If each of those hits is a person following a redirect, that's a million people finding out the hard way that the BBC don't ac